Dickens/Brontë Christmas Lunch 2014
Saturday 29 November 2014 : 12 noon for 12.30pm
Cello’s Restaurant : Castlereagh Hotel : 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Christmas Lunch will be a two course set menu consisting of Turkey, Ham & all the trimmings followed by Christmas Pudding with Brandy Anglaise & Coconut Snow Balls + Coffee/Tea – Drinks at your own expense.
Christmas Raffle and Entertainment provided by members of Stage Artz.
COSTS: Members $65 & Non Members $70
To reserve a place please copy and paste then fill out your details and send a cheque/money order made out to NSW Dickens Society to Gary Corkill, Treasurer, NSWDS, PO Box 6, South Hurstwille, NSW 2221
Electronically transfer the amount to NSWDS CBA account – BSB 06 2166, Account 10225576, making sure that your name is included in the payment advice.
Phone:……………………………. Email:……………………………………………………………
Please reserve…………… Members places Please reserve…………… Non-Members places
I enclose payment of $…………….
Special Dietary requirements:……………………………………………………………………….